Building with Nature Asia
Building with Nature Asia is a regional initiative that integrates ecosystem services into water infrastructure for coastal, river, lake, and delta management, combining nature-based and engineered solutions. Inspired by and equipped with a decade of tested solutions, we aim to bring Building with Nature to scale in Asia to accelerate climate change adaptation and benefit people and nature. We are building out strategic and financial partnerships to turn our plan into action. Join us and support Building with Nature Asia today.
An initiative by
Country Programmes
We will stimulate innovation and best practice through inclusive landscape scale Building with Nature projects by multi-disciplinary consortia. We are creating investment-ready pipelines of Building with Nature solutions to nurture capital at the scale needed.

Regional Platform
We will mobilise and support implementation and wide-scale adoption of the Building with Nature approach in convening countries through capacity building and awareness-raising, facilitating knowledge development and exchange. We are developing strategic partnerships for this as our programme takes shape. Join us!

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